Another Eastern front photo. two soldiers armed with G43's look on as a Russian prisoner is treated for his wounds.
A fantastic photo dated 16.6.1944. a sharpshooter of Panzer Grenadiers "GrossDeutcheland" takes aim with his
here is a great photo shared by a member of the G43 forum, Tramuntanafeuer. here we see Volksturm one of whom has a K43!
Here is an interesting photo showing U.S. troops, one of whom is holding a G43 souvenir! (sorry, the quality is not so good!)
an excellent photo sent in By Robert Green of his father, Cpl. Ralph H. Green holding a Duv G43 he picked up in 1945!
A great photo of an SS formation showing two groups of "stacked weapons" the rightmost group has a G/K43.
Two more of the famous images from the sniper training facility at Doberitz, Elsgrund. the first with a G43, the second an Mp-43. note the experimental zf4 mount with slanted struts.
Here is an interesting shot of SS troops and an Mp-44.
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